Posted Worker Notification Process
EU Directive (2018/957/EU)
Foreign-domiciled employers posting workers to Germany to carry out work or to provide a service must comply with a number of rules for giving notification of their posted workers as outlined in the Posted Workers Act (Arbeitnehmer-Entsendegesetzes - AEntG)
Registration of Declaration
Click here access the Notification Portal to register
Guidance notes
Guidance notes on the declaration process
European Union (Posting of Workers) Directive (2018/957/EU)
The notification must include the following details:
- the industry in which the posted workers are to be active (the details are voluntary in the case of a notification being made pursuant to the Minimum Wage Act),
- the place of activity; in the case of construction services, the building site,
- the beginning and expected end of the activity,
- the place in Germany where the documents required pursuant to Article 17 of the Minimum Wage Act or Article 19 of the Posted Workers Act (in particular, employment contracts, working time records, pay slips, records of wage payments) will be available for inspection,
- the surname, first name, date of birth, and German address of the relevant contact in Germany (accountable domestic representative),
- the surname, first name, and address of an individual in Germany who is authorised to accept the service of documents (authorised recipient),
- the surnames, first names, and dates of birth of the workers whose services are used by the employer in Germany, and the lengths of their activities (as an attachment to the notification if sent by fax).
Central Information Unit
Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00
Tel.: +49 351 44834-530
Fax: +49 351 44834-590
Postal address:
Generalzolldirektion Zentrale Auskunft
Postfach 10 07 61
01077 Dresden
Enquiries by e-mail
E-mails with attachments should not exceed 5 megabytes.